Qi Gong Dragon

Qi Gong Intrinsic Nourishing Exercises

These Qi Gong exercises will calm the mind and sympathetic nervous system, stimulate the internal organs, and restore your balance. Qi Gong can improve the condition of those with problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, and neurasthenia (a problem concerning the nervous system). Qi Gong Essential Nourishing Exercises Qi Gong Massage This…

The Benefit of Meditation

Meditation Tips

People think that meditation is hard work or that you need to be a full time monk and live in a cave in the Himalayas to be able to do a meditation practice properly. That’s not accurate. I’m not saying it’s easy, you can start small and get better and better as you practice. Don’t expect to be perfect at first — that’s why it’s called a practice.

Transcendental Meditation

Are You Interested In Transcendental Meditation

Getting in Touch with Oneself With Transcendental Meditation Each human being is a masterpiece, a source of limitless energy and potential. Within each person, there is a vast well of power, knowledge, and life. Each is created with a mind and a soul that instinctively rises above to meet the infinite boundaries of being. The quest…


Why Try Meditation?

The Benefits of Meditation Meditation isn’t just some new age ‘woo woo’ thing to do. Meditation is exercise for your brain, your physical health and your consciousness. At first, when you first hear the word ‘meditation’ a picture of a monk appears in your mind. While monks are certainly big practitioners of this art, meditation is more popular today than…

 yoga postures Yoga Asanas.

Yoga Postures – Asanas And Their Names

There are a lot of yoga postures and poses known in Sanskrit as ‘asanas’. Asana is classically defined as ‘posture or pose;’ its literal meaning is ‘seat.’  Originally, there was only one asana– a stable and comfortable pose for prolonged seated meditation. More than just stretching and toning the physical body, different yoga poses open the nadis –…

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