
Understanding Chakra Meditation

Chakra meditation is gaining in popularity, and one major reason is because of the health benefits it offers. You can have better health, but you will also live a happier, more spiritual life by regularly doing chakra meditation.

Your health, both mental and physical, are one of the most important things that you need to take care of. Because of this, many people do whatever they can to get the perfect balance of chemicals in their body to obtain good physical health.

But you also need to consider that many people find it hard to relax and control their emotions.

Since anger can contribute to poor health, this is an emotion that you should minimize as much as possible. It is important that you never try to be angry, and just as important, not stay angry, if you want to balance your spiritual side to help promote good health and good healing for your body and mind.


Chakra Meditation

Today, a lot of people are not participating in different kinds of meditation in order to achieve balance in their emotions and also in their spirit. You have to consider that meditating can contribute a lot of great benefits for your body.

With meditation, you will be able to relax more, effectively control your emotions, and never be angry if you don’t need to be angry.

By not wasting precious energy on being angry, you can put all these negative energies and turn it into positive energies that can be useful in your everyday life. Always remember that nothing uses up a lot more energy than anger.

So, if you are having problems controlling your emotions, problems in relaxing, or you simply want to experience oneness with yourself, you have to try chakra meditation.

A Beginners Guide to Chakra Meditation

You must do the chakra meditation everyday for at least 30 minutes each day in order to achieve spiritual healing as well as emotional stability.

Learning how to do chakra meditation is easy and everyone can do it.

All you need is a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed for at least 15-30 minutes, a little bit of imagination and you’re off.

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For More Great Information About Chakra Meditation Click Here

In the Hindu tradition, seven major chakras are found in your body.

These chakras are considered to be a very important part of your body that needs to be balanced in order to promote good health.

The seven chakras are Shasrara (crown), Ajna (between brows), Vishudda (throat), Anahata (heart), Manipura (navel), Svadisthana (sacral), and Muladhara (root).

You have to know how to open up your seven chakras in order to promote spiritual balance and good physical health.

To do this, you have to imagine a spinning light associated with each chakra.

Start from Muladhara and work your way up to Shasrara. You also need to know what color of light is associated with each chakra.

  • Shasrara (crown) – Violet
  • Ajna (brows) – Indigo Blue
  • Vishudda (throat) – Pale Blue
  • Anahata (heart) – Emerald Green
  • Manipura (navel) – Golden Yellow
  • Svadisthana (sacral) – Orange
  • Muladhara (root) – Red

You should also remember that it will need the right breathing practices in order to do chakra meditation successfully.

Other Benefits of Meditating Regularly

The benefits of meditation work on many levels, contributing to our physical and mental well-being by enhancing the immune system and reducing the effects of stress.

Meditation can also provide a deeper spiritual connection for many people and can have a significant effect on personal growth and development.

One important benefit of meditation is improved concentration which is why many athletes and sports professionals practice it alongside visualization.

A number of studies have concluded that there is a direct correlation between concentration exercises such as meditation and a significant increase in performance level for athletes and sports professionals.

As meditation strengthens the mind, this correlation is unsurprising. The strengthened mind that is a direct benefit of meditation, is far more capable of effectively directing the body to carry out complex tasks such as competing in sport at a high level.

Another benefit of meditation is the improved sleep levels that many practitioners experience. Not only do they find it easier to get to sleep but they also find that their sleep quality is far better.

This directly impacts stress levels in practitioners who generally find it far easier to cope with everyday stressors when well rested.

As people often report that meditation helps them to put problems into perspective, this further decreases levels of anxiety and stress which has an overall positive effect on levels of health and happiness.


In our increasingly frenetic world, taking time out to practice meditation can provide you with an oasis of calm that sustains the rest of your day. Enlightened employers even provide space for employees to do just that in some cases as they realize that they will benefit from the increased productivity that is often a direct result.

When a mind is allowed to let go and be simply, it often becomes far more creative and better at problem-solving. Meditation can, therefore, provide benefits far beyond those enjoyed by the individual, profoundly affecting society in general.

This is one reason it is being adopted by a number of schools who see the positive results gained from twenty minutes of meditation before class.

Unruly students become calm and focused, better able to cope with their studies and therefore likely to get better results.

In fact, the benefits of meditation are so far-reaching that it is recommended at all levels of society and within any number of institutions such as prisons and hospitals.

This formerly esoteric practice has become mainstream as we become more aware of the need for a holistic approach to health and well-being. People are turning to meditation to find the inner security and sense of peace that is so often missing from modern life.

They are seeking that inner nurturing they need to sustain them through lives that are far more complex than ever before. This ancient art is deservedly experiencing a revival as we understand that, in its simplicity, there lies the answer to so many of our modern ailments.

Meditation is here to stay and can only increase in popularity as more and more people discover its benefits.

If you want to do this kind of meditation, you should visit your nearest Yoga instructor and they will teach you the proper way of doing chakra meditation.

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